Working with a selection of some of the world’s leading luxury brands on the latest advancements in cutting edge technologies. From intuitive voice search to computer-mouse/eye computer interface, join our AXEEON Digital workshop live every Friday at 8.30 am PST.

July 2024

Week 1

  • AndroidPub
  • Retrofit 2
  • RxAndroid
  • ButterKnife
  • Picasso / Glide

Week 2

  • Otto (event bus)
  • RetroLambda
  • Dagger 2
  • SurfaceView
  • TextureView

Week 3

  • TVML
  • TVMLKit
  • TVMLKit JS
  • TVUIKit
  • UIKit

Week 4

  • AppKit
  • Swift
  • WatchKit
  • AGL
  • ARKi

Week 1

  • AndroidPub
  • Retrofit 2
  • RxAndroid
  • ButterKnife
  • Picasso / Glide

Week 2

  • Otto (event bus)
  • RetroLambda
  • Dagger 2
  • SurfaceView
  • TextureView

Week 3

  • TVML
  • TVMLKit
  • TVMLKit JS
  • TVUIKit
  • UIKit

Week 4

  • AppKit
  • Swift
  • WatchKit
  • AGL
  • ARKi

August 2024

Week 1

  • ColorSync
  • Core Animation
  • Core Graphics
  • Core Image
  • Image I/O

Week 2

  • GameKit
  • GameplayKit
  • GLKit
  • Metal
  • MetalKit

Week 3

  • ReplayKit
  • SceneKit
  • SpriteKit
  • Vision
  • App Services

Week 4

  • Core Data
  • Core Foundation
  • Core ML
  • Core Motion
  • Core Spotlight

Week 1

  • ColorSync
  • Core Animation
  • Core Graphics
  • Core Image
  • Image I/O

Week 2

  • GameKit
  • GameplayKit
  • GLKit
  • Metal
  • MetalKit

Week 3

  • ReplayKit
  • SceneKit
  • SpriteKit
  • Vision
  • App Services

Week 4

  • Core Data
  • Core Foundation
  • Core ML
  • Core Motion
  • Core Spotlight

September 2024

Week 1

  • XcodeKit
  • XCTest
  • CryptoTokenKit
  • FWAUserLib
  • Hypervisor

Week 2

  • InputMethodKit
  • IOBluetooth
  • IOBluetoothUI
  • IOKit
  • IOSurface

Week 3

  • EventKitUI
  • FileProviderUI
  • iAd
  • Natural Language
  • Automator

Week 4

  • MessageUI
  • NewsstandKit
  • FxPlug
  • PhotoKit
  • QTKit

Week 1

  • XcodeKit
  • XCTest
  • CryptoTokenKit
  • FWAUserLib
  • Hypervisor

Week 2

  • InputMethodKit
  • IOBluetooth
  • IOBluetoothUI
  • IOKit
  • IOSurface

Week 3

  • EventKitUI
  • FileProviderUI
  • iAd
  • Natural Language
  • Automator

Week 4

  • MessageUI
  • NewsstandKit
  • FxPlug
  • PhotoKit
  • QTKit

Register for the Palo Alto Digital workshop today or call +1 650 532 9335 to arrange a demo

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Digital workshop Fri. 4.30pm GMT offering solutions to diverse challenges.
,Latest: AXEEON develops immersive AR experience in conjugation with Stein… @AXEEON

Digital workshop Fri. 4.30pm GMT offering solutions to diverse challenges.
,Latest: AXEEON develops immersive AR experience in conjugation with Stein … @AXEEON


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